Architecture design#

Feste’s architecture heavily relies in the concept of a graph. Instead of executing actions immediately, Feste builds a graph of tasks with their dependencies and what is needed to execute them. This concept is very similar to the “delayed” concept of Dask and Feste uses Dask graph representation internally, but with different goals of optimization and scheduling.


Feste architecture diagram. The flow starts by user defining the graph using Feste API, then Feste optimizes the graph statically and executes it using a scheduler. Note that Feste will also optimize the execution depending on tasks becoming ready or not.#

As you can see in the image above, the following components are shown:

  • Feste API: this is the API that you use to build the graph. More documentation about it can be seen at Feste API docs. One example of this API is LLMs APIs like feste.backend.openai or feste.backend.cohere.

  • Feste Graph: the feste.graph is the main graph manipulation API, it is based on Dask’s graph with minor changes, but we expect to diverge more and more from Dask graph implementation as we implement more features in Feste.

  • Optimization: The feste.optimization API is mainly of internal use and it is responsible for things like automatic batching both as a static optimization (on the graph before execution) and also as a dynamic optimization during execution by a scheduler.


    At the moment we only support automatic batching as static optimization, but soon the dynamic optimization will be implemented as well.

  • Execution: The execution is handled by the feste.compute and the feste.scheduler API.


    Right now we only support local multiprocessing but we are working to support Dask distributed as well.

Eager mode#

Feste also offers a eager mode, where tasks are executed immediately without building a graph and scheduling execution. This is very useful especially for when you need to debug code.

To enable eager mode, just use Feste feste.context configuration as shown in the example below:

from feste import context
from feste.prompt import Prompt

with context.set(eager=True):
  p = Prompt("Hello {{message}}!")
  res = p(message="world")

"Hello world!"

Note the emphasis on the use of the context configuration (feste.context.set), which allows you to temporarily enable eager mode (which is disabled by default).