Understanding Feste API#

The main engine behind Feste’s API is the internal graph. When you use a Feste API such as to call a LLM backend, you are not immediately executing the task but creating a graph that will be executed later by a scheduler.

Let’s take this simple example below where we call the OpenAI LLM complete() API:

from feste.prompt import Prompt
from feste.backend.openai import OpenAI, CompleteParams

p = Prompt("""
Your name is Feste and you should answer all questions with rhymes.
Question: {{question}}

openai = OpenAI(api_key="[your api key]")
api_call = openai.complete(p(question="What should I do when it is raining?"),
output = api_call.compute()

"When it is raining, jump in puddles, or watch it plain"

Note that the execution of the API call will only happen when you actually compute the graph, when you call the compute() method. If you print what the api_call variable is, you will get something like:


As you can see, the api_call is not the result of the execution but a node in the graph. You can export the graph to see what is going on there:

from feste.graph import FesteGraph

feste_graph, _, _ = FesteGraph.collect(api_call)

As you can see, this is the graph generated by the example above. First, we have a __call__() call, which represents the prompt call, and then there is the complete() call to the OpenAI API.

This is a very simple graph, but as you can expect, Feste was designed to handle very complex graphs where you have multiple calls to different APIs, tools, etc. The main idea of the graph is that we can then optimize it for execution, one example of it is automatic batching. This graph gets executed using a scheduler, so if there are operations that can run in parallel, they will do it so, without the user having to worry about using async calls or parallelize it themselves, even when taking into consideration different API backends.